28 November 2011

10th bunch of strange confessions, weird questions & crazy recommendations

dedicated to fools & mavericks of any kind ...


When the markets grow
Thinking about tomorrow
I feel but sorrow.

Too much production
With the headless consumption
Lead to destruction.

The world can't sustain
Such a huge and useless strain
Without being slain.

Would not mild regress
Be better than wild progress
With its harmful stress ?


I saw a strange quark
Walking proudly in the park
Today after dark.

But I might be drunk
As I lost somewhere my trunk
And aroused a punk.


Our old artful goose
Got too much used to my booze
End even my shoes.

I will have to choose
Whether put her on the loose
Or tighten the noose.


Is it not a miracle
Still hearing the wild geese cackle
And not rather chuckle ?

Sometimes I wonder
If I don't belong yonder
Where all's but blunder.


Hot or cold fusion
Would be but poor solution
To air pollution.


If it be His will
I will tomorrow lay still
Unaware of chill.

No one should be sad
Or deem what happened as bad
After all - I'm mad.


A lark and a shark
Do nasty things after dark
In a hut of bark.

Their indecent creed
Throws a shame on the whole breed
As they aren't married.


The future is dark
Because our pretentious ark
Is of rotten bark.


A proud dinosaur
Achieved but low IQ score
And that made him sore.

To get improvement
He challenged the government
For its involvement.


I might be less sore
If I was a dinosaur ...
Or not - even more ?


An audacious boar
Summoned a young dinosaur
To reach the Earth core

To achieve the goal
With the help of a strong foal
They dug a huge hole.

With the coal in sight
They ended in a fierce fight
For hole copyright.


Damn prosperity
That leads to disparity -
Vivat austerity !


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