02 January 2012

15th bunch of strange confessions, weird questions & crazy narrations

dedicated to fools & mavericks of any kind ...


Have happy New Year
Forever free of all fear
So nasty to bear.

Let not a child's tear
Be ever shed on this sphere
But of joy or cheer.


Be like Robin Hood
Get me jewels with some food
And [beep] off for good.


I released my blues
To fool around on the loose
Out of my recluse.

But my faithful blues
Does not like it on the loose -
Got back to recluse.

How I love this blues !
Even better than some booze
Keeps me out of noose ...


Can you give me clues
Why is that old delta blues
So much in misuse ?

When, instead of booze
It can keep folks out of noose
If their life's but lose.


Deadly infection
Of life's overperfection
Without defection ...

Which vaccination
Would save any poor nation
From its damnation ?


Is this progression
Toward recession
Sign of regression ?

Jobs regulation
For a long time duration
No compensation ...

But every city
Overflown with obesity
And love's scarcity ...


Turned to putrification
- Lord's provocation ?

Or compensation
For some strange aberration
In His creation ?

Don't expect answer
From Mighty Divine Dancer
Nor Great Enhancer ...


Great Combinator
Is Big Communicator
And false myths creator

Vicious schemes designer
And stratagems provider
Weird plots container

Moral rules bender
Neat, sleek and slender
... Meet Ostap Bender


Take your proper part
In tearing my heart apart
Baby, it's so smart

Just give me a start
It's not science, it's not art
Tearing one's heart apart


Is our corruption
Only a little disruption
In Lord's construction

Worth of no action -
Or may be our destruction
Price for non-action ?

Better do not ask
True answer without a mask
Is impossible task ...


With God on our side
We enjoy a dizzy slide
Where the devils ride.

We'll get warm welcome
When all chill fears are overcome
Fuel will we become ...

Is it not chilling
Or rather pretty thrilling ?
It's in God's willing !


Two parallels weep
That their flat space is too steep
For their common sleep.

Shout on them to hear :
Do move to some neat sphere
And sin with no fear !


Join the  wicked art
Of tearing this world apart
It is pretty smart

It costs you no fart
To play there your proper part
And stay on the chart.


It is so thrilling
But as well a bit chilling
My girl is willing !

Why is she willing ?
I have no pound no shilling
But debts to ceiling


A barrel of glue
Boasted he fought at Waterloo
Before the French flew.

But I got a clue
He just sat in water loo
And fear turned him blue.


I had not a clue
What may come out of the blue :
A barrel of glue !

Who'll give me a clue
How to use so much glue
In my tiny loo ?


Two bottles of black beer
Boosted up my diminished cheer
More than I could bear

I collapsed in fear
That my car of yesteryear
May turn to some sphere.


A young pretty devil
Was sent here to spread evil
Affecting our will.

But this good devil
Is not capable of evil
In deed nor in will.

Although Beelzebub
Makes threats to him with his club
He can't change this stub.


Is democracy
That loves the theocracy
Sheer priestocracy ?

Or autocracy
Preferred by bureaucracy
- Huge cleptocracy ?


I have no desire
To reveal much on friendly fire
In that dirty mire

It was just too dire ...
There is nothing to inspire
In this strange war's fire.


Two cheeky right angles
Escaped their stupid rectangles
Making them triangles.

Those former quadrangles
Which have been turned to triangles
Have now three right angles.

Well, indeed they have
As spheric space is so brave
For all right angles' crave.

But they aren't content
As lost twenty five percent
Of former content.

So they want to chase
Runaway angles in each place
Of their spheric space.

But to find loose angles
Is too hard for these triangles
In space full of tangles ...


I can only frown
All my money has now flown -
Accounts overdrawn ...

I deserve but scorn :
So much unfit was I born
To profit on porn.


Two fat oil barrels
Waste time in petty quarrels
Who deserves laurels.

Each prefers himself
Citing works of every elf
Ov'r the age of twelve.

I think it's nonsense
But they have no common sense
So just give offence.