30 January 2012

19th bunch of strange confessions, weird questions & crazy narrations

dedicated to fools & mavericks of any kind ...


A sad nightingale
Despises those kinds of ale
That may become stale

Drinking the stale ale
Makes him cry, howl and wail
And all around pale

So the nightingale
Avoids all kinds of stale ale
And doesn't howl and wail


A musical phrase
Wants to erase
Words of praise
And feelings they raise

She deems them harmful
Fearful, hateful and mournful
Shameful and wailful

They should be hated
And language thus expurgated
Must be high-rated


A right-minded hare
All of a sudden became heir
Of the late dog's hair

He asked a wise mare
If to sell it for a chair
Would be right and fair

She says it is rare
Having nowhere any pair
And is worth to spare

But the prudent hare
Only wants to buy a chair
And doesn't need dog's hair


Two hairs of the dog
Living in the empty bog
Created a weblog

But in deserted bog
There is nothing to weblog
Except one old clog


Taking a shower
He regained his former power
And escaped Tower

But undercover
Eating too much fresh clover
He lost that power


A wild spook of straw
For whom I once used to draw
Eats the meat but raw

Cooked meat makes him crawl
And like some Southern man drawl
On the urban sprawl

Though he did not grow
In suburb but in a grove
Where the male rooks crow


An old husk of corn
Who was once a star of porn
Now cries in self-scorn

His heart is quite torn
Thinking of day he was born
To his mother corn


I got sclerosis
From avitaminosis
Eating but wild roses

I have tried to cure
With a dose of horse manure
Because that's for sure [*]

To my surprise
Instead my vitamins' rise
I turned into fries



The Bearer of Light
Has all of us in his sight
Which is clear and bright

Later in his pit
- And no one can escape it -
We'll be less than spit


A curious clover
Decided to discover
Who holds real power

A rusty shower
Means that those with true power
Sit in the Tower

Watching the Tower
The clover sees no power
But a landrover

Through her telescope
She sees small people, piece of rope
And one microscope

Deemed to be corrupt
The project has been scrapped
But she feels trapped

In her next project
She has chosen as an object
The Buddha's subject


The Master of Flies
Who under conscious minds lies
Tells but horrible lies [*]

There's no possible way
How to make him run away
He's with us to stay


He lies on the fries
And also about the tries
He lies on the cries

He lies on the wise
And also about the flies
He lies on the rice

He lies on the spies
And also about the skies
He lies on the lies



A slice of butter
Who lives in a wide gutter
Is struck by stutter

His wife a shutter
Mutters against his stutter
Which can speech clutter

There's no remedy
So he takes role
Of mad mole
In a comedy

He became a star
At least in the nearest bar
Which cured his mind's scar

Even his shutter
At present stopped to mutter
Against his stutter


A neat slice of bread
Is afraid of every tread
He says it's a dread

His current phobia
Is worse than xenophobia
Or some dystopia

Even horse manure
Although otherwise for sure [*]
Did not provide a cure

There are plenty of cures
For others but not for his curse
Means his shrink's nurse



A tremendous crate
Would like to evaporate
And raise her heat rate

Turned into vapour
She would fly straight to Bospor
Without bad stupor

Asia and Europe
From the clouds' cover would pop
Waiting for her drop

Is there inventor
Of such heat generator
- Evaporator ?

The answer is no
She would rather become snow
As far as I know

There's no actor
Until some fusion reactor
Becomes real factor

So frustrated crate
With no way to evaporate
Sustains her heat rate


An old-fashioned chair
Spent all her life in despair
That she has no pair

She is so unique
As some  sober beatnik
Or the first sputnik

She doesn't care a bit
To become an exhibit
And wants to scrap it

From her spare nylon
She will make an exact clone
Not to be alone


A bear and a hare
All the time continue to stare
On a pretty mare

It annoys the mare
Because such a constant stare
Is nothing like fair

But the lusty pair
Maintains they just like to stare
On her pretty hair

As far as they care
She does not need to be bare
Before constant stare

She took them to court
Looking for the law support
To end wicked sport

The judge's verdict
As anyone may predict
Was but short and strict

They must be detained
And their lusty stare must end
Which is what she meant

23 January 2012

18th bunch of strange confessions, weird questions & crazy narrations

dedicated to fools & mavericks of any kind ...


I find my ticket
For a game of cricket
To be but wicked

I tried to lick it
And - unable to stick it -
I know it's wicked

But I love cricket :
How to get a new ticket
Not at all wicked ?

I have no money
Because I must buy honey
For my sweet bunny

I cannot forge it
As - having no proper kit -
I'll never make it ...


A tiny spilled bean
Has got a tremendous spleen
For being unclean.

To wash up himself
He consulted an old elf
From the upper shelf.

But the silly elf
Cannot even wash himself
Though he's over twelve.

A skillful marine
Means that the washing machine
Makes everything clean

So the unclean bean
Washes up in the machine
But remains unclean ...


A failed politician
Became a bad physician
And worse musician

He does not know it
Because of his infirm wit
He tends to blow it

He thinks he is good
So he plays his ancient oud
Always in good mood


A rose of jelly
Makes it big in the telly
Showing her belly.

Her grumpy husband
Who plays guitar in a band
Says she should mend.

She thinks he's but fool
Who was never really cool
Since leaving his school

Their fierce arguments
Are full of bad sentiments
Without compliments

Marriage splits apart
Both of them being too smart.
Spoiled it from the start ...


My testosterone
Makes of me a lazy drone
Lusty and rape-prone.

Getting rid of it
May damage my male outfit
And that's quite unfit.

So I must tolerate
But not at all saturate
Its high mischief rate ...


A long shuck of corn
Makes it really big in  porn
Which brings him much scorn

He is rather coarse
feels no remorse
For his current course

And his third wife
Sees no harm in such a life
Full of daily strife


Donald the Drake
Trod upon his garden rake
Causing it to break

He loved so his rake
To be likely to break
Or drown in the lake

His wife Daisy
Thinks he is downright crazy
And of course lazy


A self-assured wart
Despises all kinds of art
As not enough smart

But he likes each chart
For he deems them all as art
Which is indeed smart


An unfaithful mouse
Sinning in the slaughterhouse
Cheats his faithful spouse

His bigot girlfriend
Doesn't like such a shameful trend
Saying it must end

He knows that of course
The Church won't grant him divorce
To end his ill course

Only solution
Is the priest's absolution
By resolution ...


A huge capricorn
Wants to embellish each horn
With three cards of porn

His wife doesn't like it
As such a shameful kit
Must not be naked


A nice unicorn
Damaged his beautiful horn
Digging up some corn

But a weird pundit
Promises him to mend it
Having the proper kit

He is known to master
All kinds of glue and plaster
To the right cluster

Indeed he did it
But he warns it might be split
If violently hit

Thus the unicorn
Is now cautious with his horn
And doesn't dig up corn


My botched creation
Is poor incorporation
Of Lord's intention

His inspiratiom
May be in expiration
Past long duration ...


A bottle of stale ale
With hoarse-voiced nightingale
Like together wail

They wail that they fail
They wail for ungranted bail
And for distant gale

They wail they can't hail
And also for rusty nail
They wail for lost mail

They wail for holed pail
And also for being male
Without a female

They wail they are pale
And also for shameful sale
They wail for killed snail

They wail for torn sail
And also for crooked rail
They wail for cut tail

They wail for dead whale
For being hoarse-voiced and stale
They wail for lost tale

Who will drink  that ale
And chase off that nightingale
To end their ill wail ?

16 January 2012

17th bunch of strange confessions, weird questions & crazy narrations

dedicated to fools & mavericks of any kind ...


One, two
A bag of stew
Sits in a loo

Three, four
Behind locked door
Sweeping the floor

Five, six
Plays with the wicks
Amusing chicks

Seven, eight
Playing a serenade
With a hand-grenade

Nine, ten
Once stole a hen
From my pigpen ...


All this world's strain
I can no longer sustain
It's harmful to brain.

If it continues
It may lead to the bad news :
Madness on the loose.


My holed memory
Can no more hold a story
From my history.

Is there remedy
For its shameful comedy,
Maybe tragedy ?


A drunken triangle
Lost his proud right angle
In fight with a tangle.

In fact the right angle
Flew from the despised triangle
To live with that tangle.

But the sloppy tangle
Soon annoyed the neat triangle
Who can stand no dangle

So their partnership
Turned to sour relationship -
Nothing like friendship.


I should not worry
If my leaky memory
Retains no story

In my history
There is not a single story
Worth of memory


A spook and a hook
Killed a hundred years old rook
And began to cook ...

(To bring down cost
They could make of it a toast
Or just simply roast.

But they should not fry
Because fried rook is so dry
It can make one cry ... )

They insist to cook
Because the stupid spook
Wants but a cooked rook :

So they cook and cook
Already in Guiness book
Still can't eat the rook ...


Some devil in me
Makes of me a dull dummy
- That is quite a whammy.

He can be funny
When he thinks about money,
Or sweet like honey

So I do not know
Whether to love him or no :
Rather make him go ...


My bad poetry
Will never save a single tree
Is it worth entry ?

I am much afraid
It can make no proper raid
On mankind's faults' rate ...


A small satellite
Always decent and polite
Applied for more light.

His application
Got high classification
In his location.

Further promotion
Without any commtotion
Was slowed in motion

The Light Commission
With an open admission
Delays permisson

The Comission Chair
Means it would be quite unfair
To speed this affair

The incoming fact
Must be convincingly backed
For Permission Act

Waiting in a pipe
Of the proper size and type
It must become ripe

So the satellite
No less patient or polite
Still waits for more light ...


(One, two, three)
Jump from the tree
And become free
With no decree

(Four, five, six)
Frighten the chicks
Stealing their sticks
Ignore the sicks

(Seven, eight, nine)
Let the sun shine
Right on your spine
Without decline ...


The angel of doom
Lurks behind all kinds of boom
May they seem to bloom.

Sooner or later
All falls down to his crater
There is no shelter.

(If it happens soon
Bribe him with your silver spoon
To get better doom ...)


A young cautious fox
Bought two pairs of woollen socks
To protect from pox.

But a shabby box
Means that no kind of such socks
Protects you from pox.

Only the heat shocks
Got by whisky on the rocks
Are the stuff that blocks.

And so they quarrel
Chewing the leafs of laurel
From an oil barrel.


A fox and an ox
Despite the locks
Stole three socks
In the city docks.

They sold the stol'n socks
To an old chill-hating hoax
For a small soap box.

Then in the Hyde Park
They campaigned for right to bark
With their friendly shark

Before the small flocks
Of all kinds of wicked blokes
Who deemed them as mocks.

Now are under arrest
Based on their DNA test
Which ended their quest.


A wicked wicket
Counterfeited a ticket
For a game of cricket

She wants to sell it
To a miserable dallit
For a gun bullet

He tries to lick it
And unable to stick it
He finds it's wicked

So has the wicket
Learned : Faking a ticket
Must be more wicked

09 January 2012

16th bunch of strange confessions, weird questions & crazy narrations

dedicated to fools & mavericks of any kind ...


Two bottles of red wine
Can turn me into a swine
If lying supine.

In such dizzy state
I prefer to meditate
And not hesitate.

Can sleeping prostrate
In some easy way curate
My high error rate ?

Who will illustrate
On a slate or on a crate
My low success rate ?

Who may tolerate
But also well saturate
My huge boozing rate ?


Who will arrange
My stay out of shooting range
Of world that's so strange ?


Lik'n the rule by law
Examining flaw by flaw
With the rule of law.

What is your inf'rence
Is there any difference
Or strange coherence ?


When my mobile phone
Emits its loud shrieky tone
I'm scared to the bone.

I wish I knew why
Am I so timid and shy
And what cure to try ...


By coincidence
I got some strange evidence
Of God's confidence.

But such evidence
Got by sheer coincidence
Hasn't my confidence.


When I was still young
I used to get deadly drunk
Like a stinky skunk.

No more am I young
But I still get deadly drunk
Like a vat of spunk.


An old stinky skunk
Prefers to get deadly drunk
With a vat of spunk

While being so drunk
They pack themselves in a trunk
That may not get shrunk.


My cold heart of stone
Is so much rare and alone
Like some fossil's clone.

But it's such a stone
That crumbles by a loud phone tone
Scared right to the bone.


A green potato
With a rotten tomato
Once challenged NATO.

But their arsenal
Sold them by a criminal
Was unfunctional.


One, two
My buckled shoe
Three, four
Wants to sweep the floor
Five, six
But all the broomsticks
Seven, eight
Just eat from single plate
Nine, ten
An underdone hen


One, two
Will you tattoo
Three, four
An old nasty bore
Five, six
In case he licks
Seven, eight
All pieces of slate
Nine, ten
In your pigpen


One, two
Your span is too
Three, four
Wide for my door
Five, six
Get it a fix
Seven, eight
Until it's late
Nine, ten
To live in zen.


One, two, three
I want to be free
Four, five, six
For all the kicks
Seven, eight, nine
That are so fine
Ten, eleven, twelve
To boost my self
Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen
And get higher esteem
Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen
While staying in quarantine


One, two, three, four
I locked the door
Five, six, seven, eight
Because one plate
Nine, ten, eleven, twelve
Weeps on the shelf
Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen
He must run to the canteen


All the human hate
The Last Day will concentrate
At the devil's gate

He'll investigate
From where did it propagate
To give it right rate.


One united state
Proposes to separate
Thus cut its crime rate.

But the President
Passed the bold requirement
To the Parliament.

'Cause such secession
May lead to deep depression
With fast progression.

But the Parliament
Rejects the requirement
Without argument.

Though no secession
Takes place, yet the recession
Is in succession ...


The testosterone
Is such a nasty hormone
Good but for a drone ...

It makes one fault-prone
Or turns him to a moron
Who may himself drown.


02 January 2012

15th bunch of strange confessions, weird questions & crazy narrations

dedicated to fools & mavericks of any kind ...


Have happy New Year
Forever free of all fear
So nasty to bear.

Let not a child's tear
Be ever shed on this sphere
But of joy or cheer.


Be like Robin Hood
Get me jewels with some food
And [beep] off for good.


I released my blues
To fool around on the loose
Out of my recluse.

But my faithful blues
Does not like it on the loose -
Got back to recluse.

How I love this blues !
Even better than some booze
Keeps me out of noose ...


Can you give me clues
Why is that old delta blues
So much in misuse ?

When, instead of booze
It can keep folks out of noose
If their life's but lose.


Deadly infection
Of life's overperfection
Without defection ...

Which vaccination
Would save any poor nation
From its damnation ?


Is this progression
Toward recession
Sign of regression ?

Jobs regulation
For a long time duration
No compensation ...

But every city
Overflown with obesity
And love's scarcity ...


Turned to putrification
- Lord's provocation ?

Or compensation
For some strange aberration
In His creation ?

Don't expect answer
From Mighty Divine Dancer
Nor Great Enhancer ...


Great Combinator
Is Big Communicator
And false myths creator

Vicious schemes designer
And stratagems provider
Weird plots container

Moral rules bender
Neat, sleek and slender
... Meet Ostap Bender


Take your proper part
In tearing my heart apart
Baby, it's so smart

Just give me a start
It's not science, it's not art
Tearing one's heart apart


Is our corruption
Only a little disruption
In Lord's construction

Worth of no action -
Or may be our destruction
Price for non-action ?

Better do not ask
True answer without a mask
Is impossible task ...


With God on our side
We enjoy a dizzy slide
Where the devils ride.

We'll get warm welcome
When all chill fears are overcome
Fuel will we become ...

Is it not chilling
Or rather pretty thrilling ?
It's in God's willing !


Two parallels weep
That their flat space is too steep
For their common sleep.

Shout on them to hear :
Do move to some neat sphere
And sin with no fear !


Join the  wicked art
Of tearing this world apart
It is pretty smart

It costs you no fart
To play there your proper part
And stay on the chart.


It is so thrilling
But as well a bit chilling
My girl is willing !

Why is she willing ?
I have no pound no shilling
But debts to ceiling


A barrel of glue
Boasted he fought at Waterloo
Before the French flew.

But I got a clue
He just sat in water loo
And fear turned him blue.


I had not a clue
What may come out of the blue :
A barrel of glue !

Who'll give me a clue
How to use so much glue
In my tiny loo ?


Two bottles of black beer
Boosted up my diminished cheer
More than I could bear

I collapsed in fear
That my car of yesteryear
May turn to some sphere.


A young pretty devil
Was sent here to spread evil
Affecting our will.

But this good devil
Is not capable of evil
In deed nor in will.

Although Beelzebub
Makes threats to him with his club
He can't change this stub.


Is democracy
That loves the theocracy
Sheer priestocracy ?

Or autocracy
Preferred by bureaucracy
- Huge cleptocracy ?


I have no desire
To reveal much on friendly fire
In that dirty mire

It was just too dire ...
There is nothing to inspire
In this strange war's fire.


Two cheeky right angles
Escaped their stupid rectangles
Making them triangles.

Those former quadrangles
Which have been turned to triangles
Have now three right angles.

Well, indeed they have
As spheric space is so brave
For all right angles' crave.

But they aren't content
As lost twenty five percent
Of former content.

So they want to chase
Runaway angles in each place
Of their spheric space.

But to find loose angles
Is too hard for these triangles
In space full of tangles ...


I can only frown
All my money has now flown -
Accounts overdrawn ...

I deserve but scorn :
So much unfit was I born
To profit on porn.


Two fat oil barrels
Waste time in petty quarrels
Who deserves laurels.

Each prefers himself
Citing works of every elf
Ov'r the age of twelve.

I think it's nonsense
But they have no common sense
So just give offence.