13 February 2012

21st bunch of strange confessions, weird questions & crazy narrations

dedicated to fools & mavericks of any kind ...


Once upon a time
When all the world was but slime
A virus lost dime

He claims it's a crime
That somebody stole his dime
And hid it in slime

But an E.coli
Means that what he tells is lie
As he's pretty sly

You can't have a dime
If the world is only slime
It's not the right time

He says it isn't lie
Because slime rule doesn't apply
To things that can fly

And he had a dime
Now lost somewhere in the slime
By some vicious crime


An old paradigm
Somehow lost her only dime
In the pail of slime

She sits on the lime
Peering straight into the slime
But can't see the dime

Jumping from the lime
She should dive into the slime
To retrieve her dime

But worn paradigm
Could not dive into the slime
Even in her prime

So she hired a snail
Promising him a long nail
If he dives to pail

But the greedy snail
Says that only for a nail
He wouldn't dive to pail

So the paradigm
Lost forever her last dime
In the pail of slime


A conceited prime
Is said to commit a crime
Stealing a worn rhyme

She says that the rhyme
Is in public a long time
So it is no crime

If a decent prime
Stole a copyrighted rhyme
She would become slime

At the present time
There's no copyrighted rhyme
Only a proud prime


I am suspicious
That my baby is vicious
Though looks delicious

She is but too smart
In ripping my heart apart
Giving me a start

When I sleep dead drunk
She copulates with a skunk
Disgusting like gunk

She says I'm insane
And cures me with her long cane
Giving me much pain


My stupid monkey
Listens to my wild funky
And becomes junkie

As he is clunky
Doesn't know that such wild funky
Isn't good for monkey

For him is hip-hop
Or some really stupid pop
From which kitch may drop

But such dull music
Makes him quite a bit too sick
As it has no lick

So to my monkey
I play a kind of funky
But quite out of key


A worn anorak
Discovered that his ancient truck
Got a serious crack

He is really struck
By such a batch of bad luck
For his rusty truck

In utter despair
He tries some available repair
With nothing to spare

With a band-aid
Obtained from his loving maid
He tries some first aid

It is understood
That despite his nasty mood
It cannot be good

A sadistic brack
Offers him some other truck
If he goes to rack

But no anorak
Would go to a torture rack
For the sake of truck

He accepts this wrack
Scraps for good his old truck
And escapes to crack


In my ancient pail
I found a little pretty whale
Playing with a snail

But the wicked snail
Abuses the little poor whale
With his rusty nail

If he doesn't behave
I will throw him to the cave
Or some musty grave

He's afraid of cave
Let alone a musty grave
And tries to behave

So in my old pail
Plays a whale
Along with snail
And no one must wail


A poor orator
Likes to speak on Creator
And alligator


An old curator
Means that such orator
Is a harm factor

At last orator
Became a good narrator
And fruitful author

His crazy tales
On life in ancient Wales
... [*]
Have quite good sales


On transformator
As well as on allocator
Or dislocator

On graduator
As well as on fornicator
Or combinator

... etc (DIY s'il vous plait)
