dedicated to fools & mavericks of any kind ...
I hear my monkey wail
As he lost his pretty tail
Fighting with a snail.
My darling, don't wail
I will buy you a new tail
As well as a nail
To secure your tail
Against nasty wicked snail
Who crept to this tale.
The boat is sinking
With everyone singing
And no one thinking.
Is the fear to think
On anything
On the brink
Reason why they sing ?
An artful hornet
Wrote a pretty sonnet
On his new cornet.
He'll use the instrument
In his planned experiment
As a complement.
A confident baboon
Plans a mission to the Moon
In a rubber balloon.
For such a bold mission
He needs permission
From Space Comission.
The cheeky monkey
Will bribe the chairing donkey
And get the right key.
With right permission
The intended moon mission
Is ripe for ignition.
And it happened soon
On the twenty-firt of June
The day of new moon.
Balloon reached the peak
Of the hill
Called mount Bill
Where it got a leak.
As the cracked balloon
Would never reach the Earth's moon
Let down is baboon.
Is it not funny
That we no more have money
Even for honey ? ...
Oh, my dear bunny
Don't bother me with funny
Stuff about money.
Just get the honey
For me and my little Fanny
And forget money.
Is our Creator
Just a Crime Perpetuator
Or Great Curator ?
No one ever knows
Better ask the future snows
If they mind wind's blows ...
A tiny spoiled snake
Makes a fuss about his cake
Wailing it's but fake.
The fussy reptile
Moans it may come out of style
In just a little while.
Look here, my sweet snake
If you do not like your cake
Drown with it in lake !
I may be but fake
Created by strange mistake
Touched with devil's rake ...
Or maybe some quake
Caused a huge powerful wake
Which gave me a shake ...
How long may it take
For God to fix His mistake
And wipe out such fake ?
A cake from Little Lake
With a snake from Bigger Lake
Stole my dear oat flake.
It was as if quake
Created some destructive wake
Which made me to shake.
Didn't lead to proper actions
Only constructions.
Without my sweet flake
There is no measure to take
But drown in a lake ...
Don't investigate
Whar disease does propagate
From the devil's gate.
Such a foolish action
May lead to your destruction
By fierce reaction.
Better meditate
And bring your mind to calm state
Unaware of hate.
An old blind lemon
With a young pretty demon
They fiercely campaign
'gainst the hypermarket chain
That causes but strain.
Instead they propose
Such things that it oppose
What ? Try to suppose ...
(Not a creature slain
Only growth that can sustain ...
Go on without pain ...)
Can you smell the rat ?
Every day he gets more fat
While budgets are cut
He doesn't live in squat
Nor some shabby social flat -
Far away from that !
Never to Walmart
Does he bring his credit card
For him it's but fart.
To give him a start
And tear his world all apart
Would be pretty smart.
Mammon Almighty
Don't lead me to poverty
That is so dirty
Make me enough rich
Not to live in shabby ditch
With some ugly witch
Give me 'nough money
To make my dull life funny
With some sweet bunny
I pity the fool
Who, thick-headed as a mule
Will never get cool.
Sitting at his school
He nev'r lifts his ass from stool
Not to break some rule.
Swimming in the pool
He plays
By the rule ...
Like that beast with wool.
I can't stand the fool
I must one day steel his stool
To make him once cool.