09 January 2012

16th bunch of strange confessions, weird questions & crazy narrations

dedicated to fools & mavericks of any kind ...


Two bottles of red wine
Can turn me into a swine
If lying supine.

In such dizzy state
I prefer to meditate
And not hesitate.

Can sleeping prostrate
In some easy way curate
My high error rate ?

Who will illustrate
On a slate or on a crate
My low success rate ?

Who may tolerate
But also well saturate
My huge boozing rate ?


Who will arrange
My stay out of shooting range
Of world that's so strange ?


Lik'n the rule by law
Examining flaw by flaw
With the rule of law.

What is your inf'rence
Is there any difference
Or strange coherence ?


When my mobile phone
Emits its loud shrieky tone
I'm scared to the bone.

I wish I knew why
Am I so timid and shy
And what cure to try ...


By coincidence
I got some strange evidence
Of God's confidence.

But such evidence
Got by sheer coincidence
Hasn't my confidence.


When I was still young
I used to get deadly drunk
Like a stinky skunk.

No more am I young
But I still get deadly drunk
Like a vat of spunk.


An old stinky skunk
Prefers to get deadly drunk
With a vat of spunk

While being so drunk
They pack themselves in a trunk
That may not get shrunk.


My cold heart of stone
Is so much rare and alone
Like some fossil's clone.

But it's such a stone
That crumbles by a loud phone tone
Scared right to the bone.


A green potato
With a rotten tomato
Once challenged NATO.

But their arsenal
Sold them by a criminal
Was unfunctional.


One, two
My buckled shoe
Three, four
Wants to sweep the floor
Five, six
But all the broomsticks
Seven, eight
Just eat from single plate
Nine, ten
An underdone hen


One, two
Will you tattoo
Three, four
An old nasty bore
Five, six
In case he licks
Seven, eight
All pieces of slate
Nine, ten
In your pigpen


One, two
Your span is too
Three, four
Wide for my door
Five, six
Get it a fix
Seven, eight
Until it's late
Nine, ten
To live in zen.


One, two, three
I want to be free
Four, five, six
For all the kicks
Seven, eight, nine
That are so fine
Ten, eleven, twelve
To boost my self
Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen
And get higher esteem
Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen
While staying in quarantine


One, two, three, four
I locked the door
Five, six, seven, eight
Because one plate
Nine, ten, eleven, twelve
Weeps on the shelf
Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen
He must run to the canteen


All the human hate
The Last Day will concentrate
At the devil's gate

He'll investigate
From where did it propagate
To give it right rate.


One united state
Proposes to separate
Thus cut its crime rate.

But the President
Passed the bold requirement
To the Parliament.

'Cause such secession
May lead to deep depression
With fast progression.

But the Parliament
Rejects the requirement
Without argument.

Though no secession
Takes place, yet the recession
Is in succession ...


The testosterone
Is such a nasty hormone
Good but for a drone ...

It makes one fault-prone
Or turns him to a moron
Who may himself drown.
