28 November 2011

10th bunch of strange confessions, weird questions & crazy recommendations

dedicated to fools & mavericks of any kind ...


When the markets grow
Thinking about tomorrow
I feel but sorrow.

Too much production
With the headless consumption
Lead to destruction.

The world can't sustain
Such a huge and useless strain
Without being slain.

Would not mild regress
Be better than wild progress
With its harmful stress ?


I saw a strange quark
Walking proudly in the park
Today after dark.

But I might be drunk
As I lost somewhere my trunk
And aroused a punk.


Our old artful goose
Got too much used to my booze
End even my shoes.

I will have to choose
Whether put her on the loose
Or tighten the noose.


Is it not a miracle
Still hearing the wild geese cackle
And not rather chuckle ?

Sometimes I wonder
If I don't belong yonder
Where all's but blunder.


Hot or cold fusion
Would be but poor solution
To air pollution.


If it be His will
I will tomorrow lay still
Unaware of chill.

No one should be sad
Or deem what happened as bad
After all - I'm mad.


A lark and a shark
Do nasty things after dark
In a hut of bark.

Their indecent creed
Throws a shame on the whole breed
As they aren't married.


The future is dark
Because our pretentious ark
Is of rotten bark.


A proud dinosaur
Achieved but low IQ score
And that made him sore.

To get improvement
He challenged the government
For its involvement.


I might be less sore
If I was a dinosaur ...
Or not - even more ?


An audacious boar
Summoned a young dinosaur
To reach the Earth core

To achieve the goal
With the help of a strong foal
They dug a huge hole.

With the coal in sight
They ended in a fierce fight
For hole copyright.


Damn prosperity
That leads to disparity -
Vivat austerity !


20 November 2011

9th bunch of strange confessions, weird questions & crazy recommendations

dedicated to fools & mavericks of any kind ...


A young handy fox
Who lives in a seedy box
Got work in the docks.

He adjusts the clocks
Mends and oils the rusty locks
And washes the socks.

But he leaves the docks
As his wages led to shocks
- Now he trains hunt dogs.


As my inner fire
Cannot anymore inspire
It's time to expire.


An artful old shark
Wants to scare folks after dark
So he learns to bark.

But his lean body
And voice like Sam Peabody
Can scare nobody.


The soul of the man
Is not something you can scan
Or measure its span.

It's a mystery
That no one in history
Described in true story.

Ev'n its existence
Lacks proper evidence
Worth real confidence.


A bat and a cat
Consulted an artful rat
How to get rich and fat.

But the deceitful crook
Advised them to write a book
About Captain Cook.

But all history
Seems to them as strange story
Veiled in mystery.

So instead they write
About political right
And they get it right.


A young pretty witch
Invented a cheap spell-switch
And at once got rich.


Seeing this world's mess
My sick heart
Is torn apart
By its foul madness.


The whole history
Is only a bad story
Full of mystery.


If we could fly
At least like a bee or fly
We might by less sly.


A kindly devil
Plans to remove the evil
Caused by our free will.

That's why he designs
Free market and traffic signs
Death, taxes and fines.


A witch and a bitch
Who live in a dirty ditch
Would like to get rich.

The deft bitch can stitch
And the witch has perfect pitch
For any sort of kitsch.

But none of these skills
Would settle up their mounting bills
And it nearly kills.

At last the smart witch
Invents a handy spell-switch
Which must make them rich.

14 November 2011

8th bunch of strange confessions, weird questions & crazy recommendations

dedicated to fools & mavericks of any kind ...


When the dogs start to bark
I feel something grave and dark
Deep beneath my bark.


A moose and a goose
Found that it is but little use
In excessive booze.

They plan to abstain
And prefer water from rain
As it is so plain.

When this may come true
No one as yet has a clue :
It's the climate's due.


No reason to crave
Until you are put in grave :
It isn't even brave.


A cool-looking rat
Bought a jacket and a hat
To impress the cat.

It sparkled her anger
That led him to great danger
Ending in cliff-hanger.

He managed to hide
In a cave below the tide
To preserve his hide.

He lost his outfit
Which the cat in furious fit
Torn apart and bit.


No one with free will
Can prevent it from evil -
Maybe just devil ...


A bat and a cat
Thought it would be great to scat
While cleaning their vat.

Engaged by a rat
Who owns a jazz club called Hat
They sing and get fat.


This ant is nitwit'
To work in that stinky pit
- Where he can be hit [1]
- Where he can be split [2]
- When he's done a hit [3]
- When he isn't even fit [4]
- While he's such a hit [5]

(Pick up what you like
And suggest something alike
Or maybe unlike ...)


A bride and her groom
Didn't manage to jump the broom
So they fled in gloom.

Now in the bathroom
They practice with anoth'r broom
To reverse their doom.


In the times of boom
All the flowers bloom and bloom
Unaware of final doom.


My towering pride
Yesterday suddenly died
Leaving my mind fried.


An old timid mole
Climbed up the telephone pole
To escape a foal.

There he sits banished
Althoguh the danger vanished
With his pants tarnished.


The whole history
Of publishing his story
Outraged this tory.

He cries it's a shame
To disclose he is not tame
Playing certain game.


May humility
Be but abnormality
Or futility ?


A timid young skunk
Wanted to obtain more spunk
So he got dead drunk.

But in an old trunk
Where he had fall'n being drunk
Was no spunk but junk.


There's no need to cry
To be sad
Or even mad
On the day I die.

(I'm but Mr.Nobody
With a worthless sick body
dear to nobody.)


Shouldn't our crazy quest
To get better or ev'n best
be deemed as a pest ?

06 November 2011

7th bunch of strange confessions, weird questions & crazy recommendations

dedicated to fools & mavericks of any kind ...


Because I'm no good
I might as well be of wood
To be understood.


Mister Nobody
Married Lady Somebody
To please his body.

Humble Miss Nobody
Married noble Lord Somebody
To get Newbody.


Is reality
But the God's depravity
or insanity ?


A dog and a hog
Walking across a big bog
Got lost in the fog.

To find their way out
From the stinky sticky cloud
They began to shout.

But in that vast plain
Every sound dies as if slain
So it was but vain.

To get a little heat
And prepare something to eat
They made fire of peat.

With no fear of fast
As their food supplies were vast
They thought : Let it last ...

And it indeed did :
Three days lat'r when the fog quit
They, drunk, didn't know it.


My horse is limping -
He took some nasty doping
Against his slurping.


A huge elephant
Asked a tiny wealthy ant
For a fiscal grant.

He'd like to research
Why the old majestic birch
Grows behind the church.

But it was refused :
The ant feared it might be used
For some drug abuse.

On his proposal
To do something more normal
They play basketball.


Might the proposal
To be at God's disposal
Cause some arousal ?


A mouse and her spouse
Desired to build a house
Far from the cat's claws.

They had little money
But by selling wild honey
Could buy a pony.

Being three, they made it
But the marriage got a hit
That led to its split.

The reason is next :
The mouse and the horse had sex
And left the third vexed.


A lark and a shark
Decided to disembark
Their old ark of bark.

To build a cabin
They stole ten nails in a bin
Ignorant of sin.

But soon were they caught
And, despite their wishful thought
Brought before the court.

Now they sit in jail :
One year for each stolen nail -
Thus your plans may fail ...