06 November 2011

7th bunch of strange confessions, weird questions & crazy recommendations

dedicated to fools & mavericks of any kind ...


Because I'm no good
I might as well be of wood
To be understood.


Mister Nobody
Married Lady Somebody
To please his body.

Humble Miss Nobody
Married noble Lord Somebody
To get Newbody.


Is reality
But the God's depravity
or insanity ?


A dog and a hog
Walking across a big bog
Got lost in the fog.

To find their way out
From the stinky sticky cloud
They began to shout.

But in that vast plain
Every sound dies as if slain
So it was but vain.

To get a little heat
And prepare something to eat
They made fire of peat.

With no fear of fast
As their food supplies were vast
They thought : Let it last ...

And it indeed did :
Three days lat'r when the fog quit
They, drunk, didn't know it.


My horse is limping -
He took some nasty doping
Against his slurping.


A huge elephant
Asked a tiny wealthy ant
For a fiscal grant.

He'd like to research
Why the old majestic birch
Grows behind the church.

But it was refused :
The ant feared it might be used
For some drug abuse.

On his proposal
To do something more normal
They play basketball.


Might the proposal
To be at God's disposal
Cause some arousal ?


A mouse and her spouse
Desired to build a house
Far from the cat's claws.

They had little money
But by selling wild honey
Could buy a pony.

Being three, they made it
But the marriage got a hit
That led to its split.

The reason is next :
The mouse and the horse had sex
And left the third vexed.


A lark and a shark
Decided to disembark
Their old ark of bark.

To build a cabin
They stole ten nails in a bin
Ignorant of sin.

But soon were they caught
And, despite their wishful thought
Brought before the court.

Now they sit in jail :
One year for each stolen nail -
Thus your plans may fail ...

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