26 December 2011

14th bunch of strange confessions, weird questions & crazy narrations

dedicated to fools & mavericks of any kind ...


I hear my monkey wail
As he lost his pretty tail
Fighting with a snail.

My darling, don't wail
I will buy you a new tail
As well as a nail

To secure your tail
Against nasty wicked snail
Who crept to this tale.


The boat is sinking
With everyone singing
And no one thinking.

Is the fear to think
On anything
On the brink
Reason why they sing ?


An artful hornet
Wrote a pretty sonnet
On his new cornet.

He'll use the instrument
In his planned experiment
As a complement.


A confident baboon
Plans a mission to the Moon
In a rubber balloon.

For such a bold mission
He needs permission
From Space Comission.

The cheeky monkey
Will bribe the chairing donkey
And get the right key.

With right permission
The intended moon mission
Is ripe for ignition.

And it happened soon
On the twenty-firt of June
The day of new moon.

Balloon reached the peak
Of the hill
Called mount Bill
Where it got a leak.

As the cracked balloon
Would never reach the Earth's moon
Let down is baboon.


Is it not funny
That we no more have money
Even for honey ? ...

Oh, my dear bunny
Don't bother me with funny
Stuff about money.

Just get the honey
For me and my little Fanny
And forget money.


Is our Creator
Just a Crime Perpetuator
Or Great Curator ?

No one ever knows
Better ask the future snows
If they mind wind's blows ...


A tiny spoiled snake
Makes a fuss about his cake
Wailing it's but fake.

The fussy reptile
Moans it may come out of style
In just a little while.

Look here, my sweet snake
If you do not like your cake
Drown with it in lake !


I may be but fake
Created by strange mistake
Touched with devil's rake ...

Or maybe some quake
Caused a huge powerful wake
Which gave me a shake ...

How long may it take
For God to fix His mistake
And wipe out such fake ?


A cake from Little Lake
With a snake from Bigger Lake
Stole my dear oat flake.

It was as if quake
Created some destructive wake
Which made me to shake.

Didn't lead to proper actions
Only constructions.

Without my sweet flake
There is no measure to take
But drown in a lake ...


Don't investigate
Whar disease does propagate
From the devil's gate.

Such a foolish action
May lead to your destruction
By fierce reaction.

Better meditate
And bring your mind to calm state
Unaware of hate.


An old blind lemon
With a young pretty demon

They fiercely campaign
'gainst the hypermarket chain
That causes but strain.

Instead they propose
Such things that it oppose
What ? Try to suppose ...

(Not a creature slain
Only growth that can sustain ...
Go on without pain ...)


Can you smell the rat ?
Every day he gets more fat
While budgets are cut

He doesn't live in squat
Nor some shabby social flat -
Far away from that !

Never to Walmart
Does he bring his credit card
For him it's but fart.

To give him a start
And tear his world all apart
Would be pretty smart.


Mammon Almighty
Don't lead me to poverty
That is so dirty

Make me enough rich
Not to live in shabby ditch
With some ugly witch

Give me 'nough money
To make my dull life funny
With some sweet bunny


I pity the fool
Who, thick-headed as a mule
Will never get cool.

Sitting at his school
He nev'r lifts his ass from stool
Not to break some rule.

Swimming in the pool
He plays
By the rule ...
Like that beast with wool.

I can't stand the fool
I must one day steel his stool
To make him once cool.

19 December 2011

13th bunch of strange confessions, weird questions & crazy narrations

dedicated to fools & mavericks of any kind ...


A frost-hating weed
Obtained for all of her breed
Neat coats made of tweed.

The winter indeed
Could freeze reed as well as weed
With tremendous speed.

But there is no need
To worry about the weed
Protected by tweed.

My picky parrot
Doesn't eat privet or carrot
He says it's but rot.

He eats fatty pork
And overdone roasted stork
With his rusty fork

I say he shouldn't eat
So much fat and salty meat
But he thinks I cheat.


No resurrection
Can bring our lives correction
To reach perfection.

But true affection
Despite its imperfection
Doesn't cause objection.

Without affection
There is no real corection
To our impetfection.


All this filth and sleaze
Can become with shocking ease
Our deadly disease.

So we must increase
Our effort to kill that sleaze
Or we as well cease.


A wicked baboon
Stole my father's silver spoon
Which caused him to swoon.

That cheeky monkey
Has stolen as well my home key
And escaped on donkey.

Please catch the baboon
To get back both key and spoon
Yet this afternoon.


When it is my turn
For the tour without return
Probably to burn

Why should I regret
That I don't know the secret
Of divine thought-thread ?


Once in a blue moon
I meet a crazy little loon
Late in the afternoon

Her husband baboon
Says she pretty likes to croon
For a dime's worth spoon.

So just for a spoon
I can listen  to her croon
Until I may swoon.


Though not at all brave
I don't like to be a slave
It's freedom I crave.

Please find me a cave
Where I could build my enclave
Free of any slave.


A small humble triangle
With no right or obtuse angle
Approached a rectangle.

He asked the quadrangle
To sell him a side and angle
(Thus turn to triangle).

But no decent rectangle
Would sell any side or angle
To circle or triangle.


A tiny humble sine
Worked with a big proud cosine
On a road decline

But seeing no sign
How to grow towards cosine
He left for coal mine.

Because no cosine
Can work without its humble sine
It flattened decline.


Human perception
Results in misconception
If not deception.

Don't trust your senses
Because within their fences
Truth has few chances.


A talkative circle
Maintains that his uncle
Could make a miracle :

That he can encircle
A shellfish or a barnacle
To produce carbuncle

But I think no circle
Can make a solid miracle
Without an oracle.


I feel as if shrunk
Every time I lie dead drunk
Somewhere in the trunk.

But my doctor said
That what is shrunk
When I'm drunk
Is brain in my head.

I think it's good news
As I can't find any use
For brain when I booze.


A young pretty snail
Received a suspicious mail
Offering a pail

Though she needs no pail
But a hammer and a nail
To secure her veil.

With no secure veil
Her quest to marry a whale
Would probably fail.


What personality
Could turn us to sanity
Of life's quality ?

(As if quantity
Could replace its quality ...
What insanity !)


I wishfully think
That if I enough drink and drink
All my troubles may shrink

Although my old shrink
Means that no amount of drink
Makes any trouble shrink.

Despite that I drink
And bring
To brink
Though my troubles don't shrink ...


My conclusion
Aft'r years of disillusion :
Long live reclusion !

No more inclusions
Leading to false illusions
And bad solutions ...


12 December 2011

12th bunch of strange confessions, weird questions & crazy narrations

dedicated to fools & mavericks of any kind ...

Is indeed devil
The source of all that's evil
Or is it Lord's will ?

Humans are evil
More or less like the devil -
Is it our God's will ?

If indeed devil
Is product of Goodness' will
Why is he evil ?


Put aside
Your pride
And give you mind a free ride
To the other side.


Huck the famous hound
Having finished his twelfth round
Left us graveward bound.


Our old cucumber
Quite likes her SS number
That makes her slumber

But a wise cabbage
Told her that it is garbage
Discording Babbage.

It left her confused :
Should SSN be refused
And other thing used ?

Or is cabbage wrong
And SSNs are 'nough strong
To remain for long ?


Are we not sinking
Deep into wishful thinking
With our minds shrinking ?


Why am I so tired ?
Because I was wrongly wired
When devil conspired ?


A cheeky carrot
Boasted before our parrot
She can dance fox-trot

"Well" - said the parrot
"Most probably you will rot
And not dance fox-trot."

Hurt deep in her pride
Secretly she moaned and cried
After all - he's right ...


Does the history
Preserve mankind's memory
As a true story ?

I do not think so
For nothing I heard or saw
Abides such a law.


An ancient partridge
Says he once worked in Oak Ridge
Where he built a bridge.

But a wren from wire
Chirps he set the bridge on fire
And vanished in mire.

Who's wrong and who's right ?
The answer is not in sight -
If you know it, write.


Despite the fashion
Do not join the discussion
On world's recession :

It is but nonsense
Lacking any feel or sense
Of people's offense.


A plump overripe plum
Leaves for good the nasty slum
Which made her feel glum.

She has bought a house
For money from her late spouse
Eaten by a mouse.

But ev'n out of slum
Because being just a plum.
She still feels so glum ...


Will human nature
One day become more mature
To save its culture ?


Some new unknown plant
Quickly occupies the land
In huge power plant

The staff is alarmed
Because the cooling is warmed
Where the weed has swarmed.

A gene engineer
Says the solution is near :
All soon will be clear.

Although convincing
He still cannot tame that thing
And start with cleansing.

With such a prospect
No one knows what to expect
And whom to respect.


A storm-loving whale
With its huge tail
Caused a gale
Of tremendous scale.

All sailors grew pale :
Nobody knows where to sail
To escape that whale.


Stretching my standards
I accept all kinds of arts
Not found in the charts.

But I hate the charts
Dumping sleaze on minds and hearts
They stink like the farts.


This is not a tale
About my monkey's lost tail -
It is on a snail.

Well, listen : That snail
Stole my beloved old pail
And was sent to jail.

Arriving in jail
He possessed a can of ale
Intended for sale.

But soon he grew pale
Learning that no kind of ale
Is allowed in jail.

With no possession
He fell in deep depression
With fast progression.

What about that tail ?
Well, it is another tale
As yet not for sale.

05 December 2011

11th bunch of strange confessions, weird questions & crazy narrations

dedicated to fools & mavericks of any kind ...

Our old vicious shrink
Prescribed me some nasty drink
Which caused me to shrink.


My brain cavity
Commits huge depravity :
Defies gravity.


A bull and a cow
Understandably made love
And now they feel low.


My hopeless love
Made strange
to my blood flow :
It is now
Too low.


When the west winds blow
My blood flow
Becomes too low
But my eyes still glow.


My fat
Cheeky cat
Refuses to catch the bat
Who usurped my hat :

She says he's her friend
And on him she does depend
Until this world's end.


I feel a bit sick
Hearing the sleazy music
That is so basic ...


My tormented soul
One day will certainly howl
In the devil's hole.

But it is too late
For me now to contemplate
Its upcoming fate.


My perfidious dog
Insulted me in his blog :
He writes I'm a hog.

Maybe I'll sue him
Because I'm not fat but thin
And always look trim.


The time of our life
Is quite full with foolish strife
For food or for wife -

No time to reflect
What we should rather neglect.
All must be perfect ...


A deceitful toad
Committed a money fraud
And vanished abroad.

His current dwelling
Remains still quite unknown thing
That is compelling.


An abusive whale
Keeps treading on my dog's tail
While all complaints fail.

She should be in jail
Where they will abuse her tail
Until she grows pale.


What will we squander
When all we deem as wonder
Is torn asunder ?


Why should we wonder
When nothing's left to squander
Let alone plunder ?


If mobility
Is badge of life's quality
What is sanity ?


A motherly hen
Abandoned her tidy pen
To marry a wren.

Although slick
And chic
He couldn't give her any chick
And it made her sick.